  • {"google":["Raleway","Lato","Open Sans"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}
    섹션 설정
  • About Us

    At GOLFZON, we’re making golf more fun and accessible to anyone

    “We’re taking fresh ideas and developing new technologies for the golf industry and

    golfers around the world – and growing an exciting new culture in the game."


    Deok-Hyung Choi & Gang-Soo Park CEO of GOLFZON

    Leading the convergence of golf, technology and culture

    Our mission is to make golf more enjoyable for everyone. At GOLFZON, we’re growing the popularity of golf through our products, services and technology.

    GOLFZON’s simulators have made the playing of indoor “screen golf" a sensation in South Korea. Young people are flocking to the game,

    and GOLFZON cafés have become social hubs and after-hours meeting points for workers of all ages. Statistics show that approximately

    50 million people around the world are playing screen golf at least once a year. Since its founding in 2000,

    GOLFZON has grown annual sales to approximately $350 million (in 2014). Additionally, some 40,000 workers are employed in the screen golf industry.

    • Mission

      Make golf enjoyable for everyone

    • Vision

      Becoming the world leader in the golf industry by 2020

    • Slogan

      Play different

    A Top-Level Global Technology and Golf Culture Company

    GOLFZON has extensive top-level, global technology experience. About 50 percent of GOLFZON’s employees are

    Research and Development Engineers. The company invests approximately 6 percent of its annual sales in R&D

    (average from 2010-14). GOLFZON holds more than 250 patents, with about 375 patents pending. Implementing ball

    movement and the technology of 3D virtual golf are the unrivaled strengths of GOLFZON.

    Golfer's Lifetime Partner

    GOLFZON is not just a golf simulator manufacturer, but is a golfer's lifetime partner.As a total golf culture company,

    GOLFZON provides integrated services in all areas of enhancing, enjoying, and sharing the golf.



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